University Housing / Future Residents / Tips and Resources/Helfpul Links (2024)

How can I request more information and a housing contract?

Housing contracts are available to students after they have been formally admitted to FSU. Admitted students can contract electronically by accessing our online contract available on our website. Students may also visit the Housing Office, located in the Student Life Center, and fill out a hard copy of the Housing Contract.

How can I be assigned to a Living–Learning Community?

To be considered for an invitation to a Living–Learning Community, you must submit first your Housing Contract and $225 prepayment, then an online application for each Living–Learning Community of interest to you. Please see our Living–Learning Community webpage for additional information.

Can I be part of the University Honors Program as well as a Living-Learning Community?

Yes. If admitted to both programs, you may participate in the University Honors Program while living in a Living–Learning Community; however, if you accept an invitation to a Living–Learning Community you will not be able to live in the designated Honors Hall.

Can I live in the Honors Community if I am not an honors student?

Only those students who have been accepted into the FSU Honors Program are eligible to reside in the Honors hall. Non–honors students will only be eligible to reside in Landis Hall after all Honors student requests have been exhausted.

When will I find out my room assignment?

Students with Summer B housing contracts will be notified of their assignment in mid–June, shortly before move-in. Fall assignments for new students will be sent out in early July.

What if I don't get a room in the first round of assignments?

In some instances, students who submit their housing contracts later in the process for on-campus housing may not be assigned to a space in the first round of assignments. Historically, throughout the summer, a number of students who have completed housing contracts will make decisions to cancel their admission or attend another institution, thus opening up spaces for students waiting to be assigned. University Housing will carefully consider trends from previous years and will communicate with students throughout the summer with status updates. NOTE: Not having an assignment is not grounds for cancellation of the Housing Contract.

On–Campus Living

What happens if I request a roommate?

All summer and fall room assignments are made based on your contract number. If you request a specific roommate and they also request you, we will use the later/higher contract number of your roommate pair for assignment purposes. In some instances, we are unable to honor roommate requests due to space availability, or special programs.

What should I do to get to know my roommate?

Your roommate's email is listed with your housing assignment in your myHousing portal. It's a good idea to try to get to know your roommate by calling or emailing. Tell your roommate about yourself, your expectations, and your commitment to the roommate relationship. Be sure to agree upon who is bringing what for the room or at least a time to discuss it later. You and your roommate may wish until move–in to make purchases for the room. There are several shops and discount stores in town that can help you find just what is needed for the room.

What happens when roommates do not get along?

Each resident brings a different set of expectations. To encourage open communication, all residents discuss and sign a roommate agreement at the beginning of the fall term and any time there is a change in residence status in the room. When roommates are unable to resolve a situation on their own, a mediator is called upon to help. In mediation, an objective person, usually a University Housing staff member, acts as a referee to ensure that strong feelings do not hinder the process and that roommates follow the rules. In the extreme cases in which mediation fails, arbitration will be used. In this process roommates agree beforehand to honor the arbitrator's decision. This binding decision may entail one or more roommates moving to another room. Students requesting to move to another room are obligated to their current room assignment until University Housing is able to find space available to accommodate the move.

What should I bring with me?

Linens are not provided so you'll want to bring your own sheets, pillowcases, towels, blankets and pillows. We recommend extra-long twin sheets. Most students also bring a shower curtain. For a full list of what to bring, please click here.

What if I need special accommodations?

Florida State University (FSU) provides housing accommodations for students with a documented qualifying medical, physical or psychological disability on a case-by-case basis. To be considered for a housing accommodation, please follow the deadlines and instructions for submitting documentation on the Office of Accessibility Services website (OAS) here.

May I have guests in my residence hall room?

Guests are permitted in the halls only at the request of residents, who then become responsible for their visitors' conduct. All guests must abide by University and hall regulations applicable to the resident host. Guests may stay overnight in student rooms provided that each resident of the room/apartment gives his or her permission. Guests may not stay in University Housing for more than three days in any thirty–day period.

How can my friends and family visit me in the residence hall?

Each hall has a call box at the front door. From this box, guests can dial the student's phone number to ask the student to come down to open the door. If the guest does not have the resident's number, he or she can call the front desk receptionist number, which is posted at the call box. Because of our commitment to campus safety, guests will not be allowed to wait for the student in the resident's room if the resident is not present. However, guests can wait in the hall lobby.

Do the residence halls stay open during official University breaks?

Suite style halls are closed during the breaks at the end of each semester. Although students are not allowed in the buildings during Winter and Spring breaks, they are not required to remove their belongings from their rooms, so long as they have not been granted a room change. The halls remain open during Thanksgiving.

Apartment style buildings remain open during winter and spring breaks.

Services & Amenities

Do I have to have a dining membership or can I cook in the residence hall?

Students are not required to purchase a dining membership, but many choose to do so. All residence halls contain kitchens for use by residents of the hall. Cooking is permitted in the residence hall kitchens. Residents are responsible for cleaning their refrigerator on a regular basis and before rooms are vacated.

Are rooms wired for computer connections?

All residence hall rooms are wired for connection to the campus network, the Internet, etc. Many residents bring personal computers to campus. Computer users will need an Ethernet card and cable to connect computers to the available wall jacks. There is at least one port in each room. For information on obtaining an FSU account and getting connected in the FSU residence halls, go the Guide for Computing Resources at

Who is responsible for the safety of my computer files on the network?

Students are ultimately responsible for ensuring that others cannot access their information on the network. Tampering with and unlawfully accessing someone else's computer files is a felony.

Are there facilities for washing and drying my clothes?

Every hall has laundry facilities for resident student use. Laundry rooms are for the use of resident students only and all machines are FSUCard operated.

Mail & Packages

How will I receive my mail?

U.S. mail is delivered to the FSU Post Office located at 206 S. Woodward Ave. Address U.S. mail to:
Student Name
206 S. Woodward Ave # _____
Tallahassee , FL 32304

How do I receive packages on campus?

Packages being delivered by USPS, FedEx, UPS, DHL, etc. should be addressed to the student's U.S. mail address provided above. Packages will be accepted by the UPS Store at 206 S. Woodward Ave. When packages arrive students will be notified with an email. Student will need a picture ID to pick up their package.

May we ship packages prior to move-in day?

Students can pre-ship items and The UPS Store will hold them for pickup at no charge. Due to space limitations, please ship your items no more than a week before arrival for move-in. For more information, call the store at 850-561-9180.
FSU UPS Store Location & Hours

How do food and flower deliveries work?

For deliveries from local florists please use the following address format. These will be accepted to the residence hall office where the student lives. The address for deliveries of this nature is:

Student's Name
Room Number and Hall
Street Name (see list below)
Florida State University
Tallahassee, FL 32306

*The hall receptionist will accept delivery on the student's behalf and will e-mail residents when deliveries arrive.

For Street Names for individual halls, click here.

For food orders (i.e., pizza) as well as Instacart and food service deliveries, students should provide the name of their residence hall. Food delivery drivers should be made to the main door of the residence hall where vendors have access to the outside phone. Students must come downstairs to pay for and pickup their order.

University Housing Policies

What is the alcohol policy?

According to University policy, alcohol may not be consumed in public and common areas of residence halls. Alcoholic beverage consumption is allowed only in the room where residents are 21 or older. Displaying intoxicated behavior or possessing decorative alcohol containers is prohibited for residents of any age.


Yes. Parking, however, is very limited. If you plan to bring a car, be prepared to park some distance from your residence hall. You must have a parking decal to park on campus. For more information, contact Parking Services at (850) 644-5278, or visit their website at

Can I bring a bicycle to campus?

Yes. If you plan to bring a bicycle to campus, bring a strong lock or chain to secure your bicycle to the bicycle pads outside the residence hall. Bicycles may be stored in student rooms after roommates provide consent. You are advised to register your bicycle with the FSUPD.

Is there a bus service on campus?

Yes, the University provides a bus shuttle for the campus and surrounding areas. Further information may be obtained by contacting Parking Services at (850) 644-5278, or at

Housing Facility Management

What is the wattage allowed for microwaves?

The maximum wattage for microwaves is 700 Watts. Microwaves can be utilized in the resident rooms.

Are toasters allowed in the rooms?

Toasters are only allowed to be used in the kitchens. Kitchens are provided in the buildings. Please see the building section of the webpage for building specific information.

May I bring an additional refrigerator?

No, University Housing provides one refrigerator for each room. Two are provided for residents living in rooms designated as triples, except in Cawthon where one larger refrigerator is provided. If an additional refrigerator is necessary due to a medical condition, please submit the required medical documentation based on information here by the appropriate deadline.

How large are the refrigerators?

The suite style rooms have small refrigerators with small freezers. Each refrigerator is 4.0 cubic feet. Residents in apartment style facilities have a full size refrigerator for each apartment.

Are dehumidifiers permitted?

Yes, but they must be no more than 700 watts.

May I use extenstion cords?

Extension cords should only be used to get more length to reach an outlet. Only one item should be used per extension cord. It is recommended that multiple outlet strips, with a built in breaker, be used instead of extention cords. Do not plug one outlet strip into another outlet strip.

Do we share bathrooms?

The suite style residence halls have residents from two connected rooms share a toilet and shower. The sink is located in the resident room. These bathrooms are cleaned prior to the residence hall opening and at the Winter Break. The residents are responsible for cleaning on a regular basis.

What are the mattress sizes in the residence hall rooms?

Bryan and Jennie Murphree have mattresses that are 36" x 76". All remaining halls have mattresses that are 36"x 80". If you purchase extra-long twin sheets, they will fit on either mattress size. If you later change halls, you would not have to replace your sheets.

How much room is available under my bed?

All beds are adjustable to allow storage under the bed. The top adjustment will allow 30 inches of vertical storage under the spring. Also, these beds can be bunked. Please contact your Facilities Supervisor if you do not have bunking pins in your room. The beds in Salley Hall are adjustable but due to configuration of the suite, the beds will normally remain bunked.

Where can I purchase a carpet for my room?

The Inter–Residence Hall Council (IRHC) sells carpets for the residence hall rooms. A flyer should be sent to your permanent address during the summer for fall delivery only. This is not required. It is a friendly service and fundraiser for the IRHC.

How many closets are provided for each room?

Generally, there is one closet per resident. However, in some of our facilities the closet may be shared by the roommates.

How many Ethernet ports are in each room?

There is one port for each resident in the room.

What furniture comes in my room?

Each room has beds, desks, refrigerator, chairs, mattresses, closets, dresser(s) and a recycle bin. Each residence hall is different please visit the building description pages to reference hall specific furniture. The furniture that is provided for each room must stay in the room and can not be stored.

May I have a loft in my room?

Lofts are not permitted in the residence halls or apartments. This includes using concrete blocks to elevate the bed.

Are pest control services provided?

The residence hall buildings are under contract with Paul's Pest Control Service in Tallahassee. If residents have a need for additional treatments, please visit the Front Desk of the hall to sign up for the service. Paul's Pest Control provides service on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

May I have a pet?

Pets are not permitted in the residence halls except for fish in small bowls or aquariums that are limited to a 10–gallon capacity.

Are phone service provided by the University?

Each residence hall room is equipped with a telephone line. Students can contact CenturyLink, directly, to arrange phone services. Students are responsible for all fees associated with phone services.

Am I allowed to cook in my room?

Kitchens are provided in the buildings in the suite style halls. Cooking in the suite style residence hall rooms is not permitted due to health and safety concerns. Residents can cook in the common kitchens, and once any small personal appliances are cooled, they may be stored in the resident’s room. Residents in apartment style facilities are permitted to cook in their kitchens provided within their apartments. Any small appliances must be less than 700 watts.

Are we allowed to put shelves on the walls?

Residents are not permitted to affix, attach or bolt any items to any wall in their residence hall room. If items are found affixed, attached or bolted, the items will be removed and the wall fixed immediately at the resident's cost.

I do not have room for all of my belongings what do I do?

Storage of personal items is confined to the inside of the apartments or residents may rent storage spaces from local storage vendors.

Are there sinks inside of rooms?

Yes. All residence halls have sinks inside the student's living space.

Does University Housing have a recycling program?

Recycling of plastic bottles and aluminum cans is easy and convenient in University Housing. In Azalea, Broward, Bryan, Cawthon, DeGraff, Deviney, Dorman, Gilchirst, Jennie Murpree, Landis, Magnolia, Ragans, Reynolds, and Wildwood recycling chutes are available in each floor trash room. If you live in Salley, McCollum, or Rogers recycling containers are placed on each floor. Paper recycling is located at the front desk of each hall. A recycle bin is provided for each room. For more information regarding recycling and sustainability in your hall, click here, or speak with your floor RA.

How can I estimate what I will be charged for the damages that have been assessed?

Click here to download a PDF of damage charges.

University Housing / Future Residents / Tips and Resources/Helfpul Links (2024)


Why is housing important in college? ›

It gives students the chance to explore their interests outside of their regular classes and try new things. Living on campus also helps students achieve higher grades. Students living on campus for just one year are shown to achieve better academic outcomes than those who do not.

Can you have a toaster in a dorm FSU? ›

Toasters are only allowed to be used in the kitchens. Kitchens are provided in the buildings.

What is not allowed in an FSU dorm? ›

Alcohol, alcohol decorative containers, and drug paraphernalia will not be returned. Drugs, drug paraphernalia, and weapons will be confiscated by the Florida State University Public Safety Department. Please do the following to ensure safety in the residence halls. Do not bring candles.

Does FSU provide toilet paper? ›

: @Sue Toilet paper is available for students at the front desk of their hall. : Are there any activities scheduled for students between move in day and the first day of classes?

How does housing influence education? ›

Children who experience residential instability in their early elementary years score lower on reading and math tests than families with stable homes. These effects can remain through middle school.

Which is an advantage of on campus housing? ›

Benefits of Living On Campus

Research shows college students that live on campus experience the following in comparison to those that live off campus: Higher rates of retention, persistence, bachelor's degree attainment and graduate school entry. Higher grade point averages.

Can you have a heated blanket in a dorm? ›

Both space heaters and electric blankets are usually considered fire hazards. Since colleges need to ensure that all residents remain safe, they typically prohibit anything that introduces unnecessary risk, so it's better if your student puts these on their “what not to bring to college” list.

Can you drink alcohol in college dorm? ›

That being said, most colleges prohibit the consumption of alcohol while on campus property, regardless of your age. This includes the privacy of your dorm room. Here are some of the most common alcohol violations you can get in trouble for on campus: Drinking or being intoxicated on campus.

Can you have a Keurig in a dorm? ›

Keep some transitional clothing on hand at all times for sudden changes in the weather. College students typically dress for comfort so don't worry about bringing a lot of dressy clothes. Coffee pots (Keurig-style single brewers are allowed.)

Do FSU dorms come with a mini fridge? ›

Each room is furnished with a bed for each resident, study desks, chairs, dresser space, a small refrigerator, and Internet access for each resident. Residents must provide their own linens.

Does FSU have LGBT dorms? ›

Students who are starting at FSU and living on campus will opt into LGBTQ+ housing on their housing contract, which is available shortly after admissions decisions are released. Housing staff will assign students who opt into LGBTQ+ housing with other students who also opted in, so long as space is available.

Is there any privacy in college dorms? ›

The good news is that the Fourth Amendment applies to dorm rooms just as it does to houses. This means that a college student living in a dorm room has the same rights with regard to their dorm room as people have when they are living in a house.

Does FSU give free condoms? ›

Sexual Health

Other locations to get free condoms on campus: 1st floor restrooms in Dirac and Strozier. 1st floor restrooms in the SLC. All floors in HWC by the restrooms.

Are FSU dorms air conditioned? ›

Please know that Facilities staff have HVAC equipment in place to maintain suitable environmental levels in our residence halls. If you do come across HVAC or other room issues in your space, please report it immediately via the Repair Request.

What is the dress code for FSU? ›

In general, FSU students dress very casually, while faculty and staff often dress in business casual. Buildings on campus are air-conditioned and may be quite a bit colder than the outdoors, especially in the summer months.

What are the benefits of staying at home for college? ›

Living at home during college cuts down on costs like room and board, groceries, and laundry. For some, choosing their childhood bedroom over a college dorm means paying off student loans more quickly. One drawback of living at home during college is feeling removed from the social aspects of college.

What is the problem of college students without reliable housing? ›

“Students who are housing insecure are less likely to complete their degree and are at a higher risk for other basic needs insecurities,” declared the August 2023 BPC report.

What is the purpose of college dorms? ›

Sharing a space with others allows residents to learn from each other and grow, all while building a solid circle of friends and acquaintances. Some dorms even place together students with similar majors to better foster a sense of community.

Why is housing important for quality of life? ›

Healthy homes promote good physical and mental health. Good health depends on having homes that are safe and free from physical hazards. In contrast, poor quality and inadequate housing contributes to health problems such as chronic diseases and injuries, and can have harmful effects on childhood development.

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Name: Jamar Nader

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.