1. ZIP Code 97266 - Portland, Oregon - Zipdatamaps
ZIP Code 97266 is located in Portland Oregon. 97266 is entirely within Multnomah County. Regionally, 97266 is located in Metro Portland.
97266 can be classified socioeconomically as Lower Middle Class class compared to other ZIP Codes in Oregon based on Median Household Income and Average Adjusted Gross Income. The majority race/ethnicity residing in 97266 is White. The majority race/ethnicity attending public schools in 97266 is White. The current unemployment level in 97266 is 3.6%.
2. ZIP Code 5: 97266 - PORTLAND, OR - Oregon ZIP Code 5 Plus 4 ✉️
ZIP Code 97266 is the postal code in PORTLAND, OR. Besides the basic information, it also lists the full ZIP code and the address of ZIP code 97266.
3. Oregon Zip Code Maps | OR Maps, Demographics and Zip Codes List
Oregon Zip Code Maps | OR Maps, Demographics and Zip Codes List. ... 97226, 97721, 97077, 97290, 97113, 97836. 97268, 97739, 97864, 97627, 97143, 97446.
Explore comprehensive data about Oregon (OR) on our page. Dive into detailed zip codes, counties, maps, and other important data about Oregon. Whether you're relocating, planning a trip, or researching, find the accurate information you need about Oregon here.
4. [PDF] Lodging Zip Code/Region Directory | Oregon.gov
Zip code. Region # Region name. 97001. 07. Central. 97002. 04. Willamette Valley ... 97226. 05. Portland Metro. 97227. 05. Portland Metro. 97228. 05. Portland ...
5. Where is Zip Code 97226? - Research Maniacs
Now you know that the location of zip code 97226 is Portland - Oregon. To find the location of another zip code, please enter it below and press "Where is Zip?".
Where is Zip Code 97226? Useful facts, information, location of Zip Code 97226
6. Zip Code 97266 Map and Demographics
Missing: 97226 | Show results with:97226
See AlsoMathieu Amalric WrestlerZip Code 97266 map overlay with demographic overview, as well, as business counts and rankings.
7. [PDF] Oregon resident births by county of residence, year and ZIP code, 2010 ...
NOTE: Includes births by county of residence and ZIP code reported on the birth certificate. ... 97226 .................. 3. –. 2. 1. 3. 1. 3. 1. 97227 ..........
8. 97266 - U.S. Zip Code Map and Demographics - Simplemaps.com
Missing: 97226 | Show results with:97226
Map of 97266 in Oregon + data on income, age, sex, health, poverty, lat/lng and much.
9. 75261 Income Statistics - Current Census Data for Zip Codes
... ($97,226), and Grapevine city ($136,021). 75261, $-1. Euless city, $95,591. Fort Worth city, $97,226. Grapevine city, $136,021. Tarrant County, $107,434. 75261 ...
Get the most current US Census income data for zip code 75261. Compare 75261 income statistics with data for neighboring Texas zip codes, counties and cities.
10. 97266 Real Estate & Homes For Sale - Zillow
97266 Homes by Zip Code. 97206 Homes for Sale$473,532; 97230 Homes for Sale$459,815; 97202 Homes for Sale$632,426; 97236 Homes for Sale$434,834; 97222 Homes for ...
Zillow has 98 homes for sale in 97266. View listing photos, review sales history, and use our detailed real estate filters to find the perfect place.
11. 76133 Income Statistics - Current Census Data for Zip Codes
... ($97,226). But it's more than 76115 ($55,406) and 76134 ($82,479). 76133, $86,796. Fort Worth city, $97,226. Tarrant County, $107,434. 76133 Per-Capita Income.
Get the most current US Census income data for zip code 76133. Compare 76133 income statistics with data for neighboring Texas zip codes, counties and cities.