6 Pokemon Routes With The Highest Level Pokemon Encounters (2025)

Key Takeaways

  • Pokemon games have popular routes with high-level wild Pokemon that challenge players.
  • Routes like 10, 20, and 23 offer tough battles and strong Pokemon for trainers to catch.
  • The high-level areas in games like Sword and Shield, X and Y, and Black and White 2 provide a test for players.

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Pokemon games have been giving people joy for decades now. While not the first to take on the monster catching formula, Pokemon games are certainly among the most popular within this field, and the ever-expanding collection of creatures to catch has only helped bolster this monolithic franchise's fame.


Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Shatters 28-Year Series Record

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet break a record no other Pokemon games have been able to accomplish since the start of the series.

As the series has grown in popularity, or at the very least, as it's aged (as it's always felt a bit like a cultural staple no matter the year), the games have cut back on some of their features, streamlining the titles overall in order to appeal to a larger audience. Part of this streamlining means that the games have gradually gotten easier over time - but for those who know where to look, there are still some dangerous wild Pokemon hiding in the tall grass. These are the routes that have some of the highest level Pokemon across all the mainline games - keep in mind this list is exclusively routes, so other major locations such as caves will not be counted.

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6 Route 10

A Frozen And Perilous Route

6 Pokemon Routes With The Highest Level Pokemon Encounters (2)

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Pokemon Sword and Shield



6 Pokemon Routes With The Highest Level Pokemon Encounters (4) OpenCritic Reviews
Top Critic Rating:80/100 Critics Recommend:64%

November 15, 2019
Game Freak


OpenCritic Rating
  • Region: Galar
  • Game: Sword and Shield
  • Level Range: 44-49

This route is one of the longer and more treacherous ones in the game, with many high-level trainers that can take unprepared players by surprise. It's a mountainous route that focuses more on ice types - as is common with Pokemon games, the ice types tend to get grouped up in one area.

Players can expect to find Pokemon such as Galarian Mr. Mime, Snover, and Cubchoo in the overworld. Random encounters in tall grass have a bit more variety, with Pokemon such Klang and Rhydon.

5 Route 20

A Mysterious, Wooded Route

6 Pokemon Routes With The Highest Level Pokemon Encounters (5)

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Pokemon X and Y



6 Pokemon Routes With The Highest Level Pokemon Encounters (7) OpenCritic Reviews
Top Critic Rating:86/100 Critics Recommend:84%

October 12, 2023
Game Freak


OpenCritic Rating
  • Region: Kalos
  • Game: X and Y
  • Level Range: 48-50

This route is also known as the winding woods and has a mazelike quality that can be difficult to navigate. For players of X and Y, some of the rarest (and best-designed) Pokemon in the game can be found on this route, such as Zoroark.

This is also the route needed to evolve Eevee into Leafeon, as it has the required mossy boulder. The unique Pokemon in this area are great for some last-minute additions to player teams - or for those with patience - some evolved Pokemon to breed for their basic stage counterparts.

4 Route 230

A Sea Route With A Small Island

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6 Pokemon Routes With The Highest Level Pokemon Encounters (10) OpenCritic Reviews
Top Critic Rating:74/100 Critics Recommend:51%

November 19, 2021



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  • Region: Sinnoh
  • Game: Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
  • Level Range: 18-51

While most fans agree that the Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl remakes have some room for improvement, one area where they did keep to the course of the original titles is a rather unforgiving level curve, present in high-level areas like this.

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It's not unheard of for players to be coming into this area on-level or under the level of the wild Pokemon, especially the fully evolved ones with higher levels such as Gastrodon or Golduck.


How Pokemon TCG Pocket Perfectly Balances Two Major Aspects of the Physical Game

Pokemon TCG Pocket may be designed to be a casual game, but it has something for everyone, even hardcore collectors and competitive players.

3 Route 227

A Bike-Focused Crag Route

6 Pokemon Routes With The Highest Level Pokemon Encounters (12)
  • Region: Sinnoh
  • Game: Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl
  • Level Range: 22-56

Standing just before Stark Mountain, this craggy route requires a bike in order to properly traverse it, and has many unique Pokemon that might have been difficult for players to come across before.

The high-level Pokemon here are mostly rock, ground, or steel types, and can put up quite a fight against a party unprepared for these more intense battles. Players should keep a water or fighting type handy to take care of Pokemon like Graveler or Camerupt.

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2 Route 13

A High-Level Coastal Route

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Pokemon Black and White 2



Nintendo DS

June 23, 2012
Game Freak
The Pokemon Company , Nintendo
  • Region: Unova
  • Game: Black and White 2
  • Level Range: 57-60

Some of the highest-level wild Pokemon found across traditional routes are located in the Black and White duology of games. These areas are often found in the late-game or post-game, and are surprisingly difficult, giving players a bit of a shock if they expected to coast through.

This area has a mix of aquatic and flying types, and the highest level, strongest Pokemon can be found in the fishing spots that crop up along the coast or deeper in the waters. Players should also be careful of the tough trainers looking to battle along the elevated plateaus and bridges.

1 Route 23

An Idyllic, Paved Route

6 Pokemon Routes With The Highest Level Pokemon Encounters (15)

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  • Region: Unova
  • Game: Black and White 2
  • Level Range: 47-70

By the time players have gotten to Route 23, they'll have some pretty strong Pokemon in their party, but wandering through the grass, pursuing the shaking patches of tall grass, and fishing along the river in this route can lead to some tough high-level battles.

The fishing in particular has some very high-level Pokemon hiding in wait, including creatures like Golduck or, in more rare instances, Poliwhirl and other members of its evolutionary line. A great place to grind, but make sure you've stocked up on potions and revives.


Pokemon GO: How To Get Shiny Nihilego

This guide details the best way to get Pokemon GO Shiny Nihilego in the game.

6 Pokemon Routes With The Highest Level Pokemon Encounters (2025)
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